You can join us by contacting any of the circle coordinators:
Andrei Marin (Ro),
Jakub Filipek (Pl),
Please familiarize yourself with the subject of Geometry and Physics and with the recommended minimal and graduate curricula before applying to join. Also familiarize yourself with our basic software tools. The group maintains a collection resources for theoretical physics, mathematics and epistemology. All members of TCSC are encouraged to join one of our projects and to take part in the Trans-Carpathian Seminar.
TCSC only accepts students who already passed at least their first year undergraduate finals and whose general point average (average grade for all academic years completed) ranks close to the top of their class. The group strives to function on pure merit principles.
Computer use policies
The TCSC web pages are hosted on the servers of the Horia Hulubei Institute (IFIN-HH) located in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania. Students who wish to become members of the group must sign the GDPR form of that institution, which is available from the Group Coordinators. IFIN-HH is a national research institute which houses nuclear, radiological and laser facilities and hence is subject to special security requirements. Please familiarize yourself with the basics of computer security before applying to join the group.