CERN – SEENET-MTP – ICTP PhD Training Program

Bucharest 2024 Minischool

"Mathematical methods in Gravitation and Cosmology"

 November 13-17, 2024, Bucharest-Magurele


Accommodation will be offered to all participants in the IFIN-HH Dormitory "Doctoranzi II" (Doctoral Students' Dorm No. 2), Str. Crizantemelor, Măgurele 077126, located a 10 min. walk from the event venue. Two photos of the accommodation building can be found below.




Coffee & snacks will be supported for all participants and will be served in the event venue in the room shown below.
For lunches several options will be available  and they will be partly supported by the organizers.
The Official Dinner will be supported for all participants and will be organized as a buffet in Sonya Bistro & More, which is located a 5 min. walk from the event venue. Vegan and vegetarian choices are available.