CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD Training Program
Bucharest 2015
"Modern aspects of Quantum Field Theory"
November 8-14, 2015, Bucharest-Magurele
This is the second school of the 1st cycle (2015-2018) of the the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD Training program, which supports participation of advanced MS students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from SEENET-MTP countries and the wider CEE area in a chain of connected, high-level regional schools.
This event is mainly intended for PhD students who study High Energy Physics and related fields. The topics of the school cover modern aspects of Quantum Field Theory and applications.
Lecturers and topics
- Ciprian Acatrinei (IFIN-HH, Bucharest) - QFT in strong backgrounds - Applications to ELI-NP
- Gianpiero Mangano (INFN, Naples) - Neutrinos in Cosmology **
- Hubert Spiesberger (University of Mainz) - Path integral formalism in QFT
- Nikolaos Tetradis (University of Athens and CERN) - Field Theory, renormalization and cosmology
See also this related link.