Supersymmetry and supergravity


Wess and Bagger, Supersymmetry and supergravity

Ceccotti, Supersymmetric field theories

Frappat et al, Dictionary on Lie superalgebras

Scheunert, The theory of Lie superalgebras: an introduction

Gorelik and Papi, Advances in Lie superalgebras

Tuynman, Supermanifolds and supergroups

Rogers, Supermanifolds

De Witt, Supermanifolds

Varadarajan, Supersymmetry for mathematicians

Carmeli et al, Mathematical foundations of supersymmetry

Cattaneo and Schaetz, Introduction to supergeometry

Kapranov, Supergeometry in mathematics and physics

Kessler, Supergeometry, super Riemann surfaces and and the superconformal action functional

Westra, Superrings and supergroups

Relevant mathematics:

  • Lie superalgebras
  • supermanifolds
  • basic commutative and supercommutative algebra
  • basic notions of scheme theory
  • basic theory of quantum groups


Ortin, Gravity and strings

Freedman and van Proeyen, Supergravity

Castellani, D'Auria and Fre, Supergravity and superstrings: a geometric perspective

Sezgin, Survey of supergravities