Statistical physics

Cardy, Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics

Dorlas, Statistical mechanics

Sethna, Statistical mechanics: entropy, order parameters and complexity

Gallavotti, Statistical mechanics: a short treatise

Huang, Statistical mechanics

Georgii, Gibbs measures and phase transitions

Ellis, Entropy, large deviations and statistical mechanics

Lavis and Bell, Statistical mechanics of lattice systems, vols 1 & 2

Simon, The statistical mechanics of lattice gases

Friedli and Venenik, Statistical mechanics of lattice systems

Khinchin and Gamow, Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics

Minlos, Introduction to mathematical statistical physics

Ruelle, Statistical mechanics: rigorous results

Thompson, Mathematical statistical mechanics

Goldenfeld, Lectures on phase transitions and the renormalization group

Yeomans, Statistical mechanics of phase transitions

McCoy and Wu, The two-dimensional Ising model

Bovier, Statistical mechanics of disordered systems

Lanford, Entropy and equilibrium states in classical statistical mechanics

Petersen, Ergodic theory

Bratelli and Robinson, Operator algebra and quantum statistical mechanics, vols 1 & 2

Manybody theory

Fetter and Walecka, Quantum theory of many-particle systems

Altland and Simons, Condensed matter quantum field theory

Rammer, Quantum field theory of non-equilibirum states

Negele and Orland, Quantum many-particle systems

Mahan, Many-particle physics

Coleman, Introduction to many-body physics

Abrikosov et al, Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics

Fradkin, Field theories of condensed matter physics

Danielewicz, Quantum theory of nonequilibrium processes (review paper, parts I and II)

Lehmann, Mathematical methods of many-body quantum field theory